Korey Waikiki

For the 85th daily installment of Big Wheel Blading’s Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 series we talk to Korey Waikiki. Korey is a 29-year-old inline skater and coffee shop supervisor living in Pittsburg, California.

front torque

What steps did California take to battle COVID-19 and how are things there now?

I’m not sure how effective our methods of flattening the curve were, but depending on what county you live in, there was an ordinance announcing shelter-in-place measures. Essentially it asked citizens to remain in their homes unless you had to leave for essential reasons and if you had to leave your home to, at very least, wear a mask. Things are very odd where I am, people are not respecting the city ordinance at al,l which leads me to assume more extreme measures will be coming.

Have you been skating during the pandemic?

I have been getting out as much as I can in the Bay Area, but mostly in smaller groups and always wearing my mask. I kinda dig wearing it because I’m out here looking like a ninja.

boosting a 180

Is there anything that would make you stop skating?

To be honest, short of a natural disaster or a country wide crisis, where the idea of skating would be completely ruled out, would probably be the only reasons I would COMPLETELY stop, ya know?

What other activities are you doing to occupy your time?

I’ve been binge watching Netflix and doing a lot of cooking at home, which I’ve really been enjoying. I wish I had been keeping up with reading books, but I’ve definitely have been slacking with that.

royale through the kink

How has COVID-19 affected your everyday life?

To be honest it hasn’t changed THAT much. I’ve been lucky enough to be working throughout the pandemic, so I’m super grateful for that. I’ve also been enjoying the reduced traffic since less people are on the road, which has been nice. As far as my day to day life is concerned nothing crazy drastic or crucial has changed.

What are your major concerns right now and looking to the future?

I suppose my biggest fear is how my country will be after this pandemic. There’s going to be way less restaurants open, a lot of people living in fear and scared to go out in public, maybe even adjusted laws for traveling, making it more difficult than it already is. I’m also concerned about having a military controlled country under martial law.

soul to topsoul transfer

How is your local skate community responding?

Alright so check it out, my crew and skate family is JSF, a bunch of free-thinking, respectful, diverse and wildly talented group of individuals. That being said, some are practicing social-distancing and self-isolation, others are not, but we all try and respect one another’s decision. As soon as this is over though, you can bet JSF will be all back together again doing what we do.

Do you have anything you’d like to add?

I just wanna give a shout out to anyone I’ve ever met and connected with through this skating thing and want to say, even though we may not talk everyday or see each other very often that I got love for every one of you,. Thank you and to everyone, be safe out there.

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All photos by Erick Garcia.


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