On Sunday, November 14th, 2021, I hit the road for the 6th Annual New England Memorial Jam in Hartford, Connecticut. Hosted by Matt Ragone, the event brings together skaters from all over New England to remember their friends from that scene who have passed away. I haven’t been to any skating-related events in the past two years since COVID affected our lives. I’ve missed my friends and decided to drive to Hartford to attend this event. I picked up my friend Josh Davis in White River Junction, Vermont, and stopped in Brattleboro, Vermont, to skate Preserverance Skatepark on the way down.

The event had a fantastic turnout, and I was able to see, chat with, and film many rad people. The list includes Ian Hutchinson, Jeff Dalnas, Eric Torres, Jamie Murrett, Jonathan DeNicholas, Rob Dargiewicz, Tad Tregeagle, Kevin Borth, Remo DiTullio, Will Lyons, Ben Zerfoss, Juise Money, Orion Pinkham, Sam Gagnon, Jody Shanbrook, Nevin Murray, Matthew Silcox, Dave Gunn, Julian Hinsch, Brandan Brown, Steff Ledger, Felix Acevado, Kevin, Wielechowski, Marcello Savona and Dave Hartnett. I captured some awesome blading at the 2021 England Memorial Jam while figuring out how to film with the GoPro. I even managed to get a clip of myself at the very end of the day.

I look forward to 2022 and getting back on the road to attend more rollerblading events in New England and beyond!

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