Recent changes in qualification criteria and the removal of awards distinctions at the Northshore Inline Marathon have created unequal competition conditions, sparking calls for fairness and equal recognition for elite women athletes.

Recent changes in qualification criteria and the removal of awards distinctions at the Northshore Inline Marathon have created unequal competition conditions, sparking calls for fairness and equal recognition for elite women athletes.
Yanise Ho aka The Bladress is a 22-year-old long distance inline skater from Hong Kong currently living in Toronto, Canada. She had never skated on rollerblades until last year when…
1) It's really beautiful. Even if you're not a competitive skater, this is worth the trip. Duluth is the cutest little town, filled with niche coffee shops and breweries, and…
Longtime rollerblader Jarrod McBay recently made the trip up to Minnesota for the 21st Northshore Inline Marathon in Duluth. For the last 22 years, Jarrod has spent most of his time…