For the 32nd daily installment of Big Wheel Blading’s Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 series we talk to Remy Cadier. Remy is a 43-year-old inline skater and cameraman living in Amsterdam, Holland.

What is the current situation with COVID-19 in Holland?

Holland is on a partial lockdown and it is recommended that we stay at home as much as possible, work from home if we can, keep 1.5 meters (5 feet) away from others and gatherings of more than three people are not allowed. Restaurants, bars, coffee shops, casinos, gyms, etc. are closed. However we can pretty much do what we want as long as we are being responsible.

Are you still skating?

Yes I am still skating. I’ve been alternating between skating my practice rail, distance skating and a bit of freeskating.

Would anything make you stop skating?

The only thing that would make me stop skating is time constraints or getting injured.

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Are you doing any cross training? 

When the gym was still open I was doing weight lifting three times a week.

What other activities are you doing to occupy your time? 

Netflix, working, smoking, drinking and making fires.

How has COVID-19 most affected your life?

95% of my filming jobs have evaporated!

What are your major concerns right now and looking into the future?

My major concern is money. I will be okay for the next couple of months, but we have a baby boy on the way, so I would have preferred to get a bigger security blanket, so I can spend time with him.

How is the skate community in Amsterdam responding?

For the most part they are self isolating. Some people are skating practice rails together, like myself, Randy Abels and Beer, but our kids go to school together and still see each other.

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