China has a population of 1.31 billion people and most likely the largest number of inline skaters in the world. …
Skate Cuba, A Magical and Memorable Caribbean Experience really can take you anywhere. We recently realized our long-time dream to visit Cuba when we joined 24+ others …
Eighteen Years and Going: An Interview with Intuition Skate Shop’s Matt Mickey“I’m 19 forever with my skates on,” is how old Matt Mickey responded when I asked him his age. This …
DUST Takes on Motorless Morning at Garden of the Gods June of this year a random assortment of aggressive and recreational inline skaters got together for the very first …
What Year Is It? A Weekend of Blading at Camp Woodward the late ‘60s, Ed Isabelle was a gymnastics coach at Penn State University in State College. He discovered an …
Are You Down? The Blading Evolution of Cameron Card has taken me four years to get to this point and it feels like it’s just the beginning. Back …
Caleb Smith To Discuss His Upcoming 200-Mile Skate And More on Instagram This Sunday Smith has fully embraced distance skating, while still holding true to his aggressive roots. He recently completed the 470 …
160-km Endurance Skate in Perth, Australia: The Blood and The Glory from New Zealand, I’ve been living in Perth, Australia for the past 30 years and inline skating for 22 …
A Trip to Boston for the Rollerblade 10K Challenge and Tuesday Night City Skate’ve been very interested in attending one of the Rollerblade 10K Challenge events that have been popping up around the …
10 Reasons Why Camp SkateIA Might Be the Best Way to Expand Your Skills Instructors Association (SkateIA) is known for creating instructors that can teach others how to skate. But beyond certifying new …