For the 22nd daily installment of Big Wheel Blading’s Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 series we talk to Joe Atkinson. Joe is a three time and current world champion aggressive inline skater from Wakefield, England. He is currently isolating at Tim Schmidt’s skate compound in West Lafayette, Indiana.

What is the current situation with COVID-19 back in England?

The city where I’m from in the UK is currently on full lockdown, so I’m happy to be out in the sticks, where I can stay healthy and skate in isolation. Back in the UK the skateparks are closed down and people are getting fined for hanging out on the streets. Most of the skaters seem to be self isolating, skating practice rails and having fun in their back yard.

Are you still skating? If so what precautions are you taking to skate safe.

Luckily I’m staying with Tim Schmidt and he has an amazing Woodward quality bowl in his back yard by a lake. The ramp is currently closed to the public and there’s six of us in quarantine together. It’s been hard to turn people away but we had to treat this more responsibly, at least for now.

What other activities are you doing to occupy your time? 

Video editing, Chilling by the lake, Cooking banging meals, sushi rolls, baking bread and teaching these Yankees what Yorkshire puddings are all about! Haha.

How has COVID-19 affected your normal everyday life? 

It’s definitely made me appreciate life and my health lot more. It also has given me more time to focus on making skate content and learning a few new things! Check out the #JoesTrixChallenge on Instagram.

What are your major concerns right now and looking into the future? 

The health of others and my family. I’m sure we’d all like to see an end to this, but personally I think without a vaccine that life won’t go back to normal. However being in lockdown is also not sustainable.

Do you have anything you’d like to add?

A big thank you to Tim Schmidt for hosting us so well here in Indiana, USA. Health is wealth, wash your hands and check out for some skate content.

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Photos and video by Matthias St. John.
Double Loop edit by Dom West.


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