For the 27th daily installment of Big Wheel Blading’s Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 series we talk to Brock Jacobs. Brock is a 33-year-old inline skater and Capital Expenditures Financial Analyst living in Denver, Colorado.

What is the current situation with COVID-19 in Denver?

We’ve beene under a shelter-in-place order statewide since March 24th.

Are you still skating? If so what precautions are you taking to stay safe?

Yes, I am still skating. After a session my clothes go straight into the wash, I disinfect my wheels and then jump in the shower.

Where are you skating?

I have been sticking to trails and large areas, like stadium parking lots.

What would make you stop skating completely?

Nothing short of martial law and corner check points.

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Are you doing any cross training?

Dancing is always a nice alternative! I’ve also been using free weights and doing yoga.

What other activities are you doing to occupy your time?

Gardening, social media engagement and watching tutorials.

How has COVID-19 affected your normal everyday life?

Work was my main source of physical social engagement. I am fortunate to be able to work remotely now. My daily routine hasn’t change all that much. Work, Skate, Work, Eat, Sleep, Repeat.

What are your major concerns right now and looking into the future?

I am concerned poor health behaviors will remain a constant and society will not learn the necessary lessons to change systemic habits that make us susceptible to situations like this.

How is the skate community in Denver responding?

Our area organizations have followed the procedures of the city and state. But our interaction to motivate has only gone up! Truly fortunate to have met DUST and other organizations!

Do you have anything you’d like to add?

I truly believe the science of distancing, but we must keep our routines normal to some degree. Skating, biking, running, dancing at a time like this is a must. Fighting for the safety of others is only possible if you’re fighting for your health as well.


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