For the eighteenth installment of our Photographer Series, I spoke to Kaspars Alksnis, a 29-year-old inline skater and photographer living in Riga, Latvia. He started skating in 2001 and began documenting the…
Interview with Inline Skate Photographer Chris Corbett of Vancouver, Canada
Chris Corbett is a 28-year-old inline skater and photographer, originally from Liverpool in the UK; he has been living in Vancouver, Canada, since 2016. He has been skating since 2003…
Interview with Inline Skate Photographer John Haynes of Minneapolis, Minnesota
John Haynes is a 37-year-old inline skater and photographer living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He started aggressive skating in 1996 and began shooting photos of his friends soon after. In 2016,…
Interview with Rollerblader and Illustrator Chris Piascik
For the second installment of our Artist Series, I speak to Chris Piascik, a 38-year-old rollerblader, BMXer, and Illustrator living in Manchester, Connecticut. Chris is a prolific artist who has been posting…
Interview with Inline Skate Photographer Cam Wiggins of Desborough, England
Cam Wiggins is a 30-year-old inline skater and photographer, originally from Corby, living in Desborough, Northamptonshire in the East Midlands of England. He has been skating on and off since…
Interview with Inline Skate and Adventure Photographer David McKenzie Grant of Bodø, Norway
David McKenzie Grant is a 39-year-old inline skater and photographer living in Bodø, in the north of Norway. He recently moved there after spending twelve years living in Copenhagen, Denmark. He…
Interview with Powerslide Staff Photographer Stefan Beyer of Coburg, Germany
Stefan Beyer is a 37-year-old inline skate photographer living in Coburg, Germany. He has been working for Powerslide since 2012 and picked up recreational inline skating 5 years ago. Stefan in…
Interview with Inline Skate Photographer Dominik Wagner of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Dominik Wagner is a 36-year-old inline skater and photographer based in Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Berlin, Germany. Dominik spends most of his time living in Amsterdam with his girlfriend but until he…
Interview with Inline Skate Photographer Sam Cooper of Bristol, England
Sam Cooper is a 35-year-old inline skater and photographer living in Bristol's bohemian paradise in the South West of England. Self Portrait How long have you been skating? I've been skating for…