For the 58th daily installment of Big Wheel Blading’s Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 series we talk to Doug Cupo. Doug is a 33-year-old inline skater living outside of Washington D.C. in Reston, Virginia. Doug worked in Security Sales but was laid off due to COVID-19.

What steps did Virginia take to battle COVID-19 and how are things there now?
Virginia closed schools and shut down all non-essential businesses. People who were able to keep their jobs began to work from home. Although it wasn’t mandatory, the governor recommended that we quarantine, which is what I’ve been doing. As of May 15th many business have been allowed to reopen. Social distancing at all times is still a must, but of course there are many people here that don’t!
Were you skating during the lockdown?
In the beginning of the pandemic I stayed home and didn’t skate. For the past two months though I’ve been consistently skating my practice rails and big wheel blading through the streets. Skating is a great way to social distance while getting exercise. When I go out to skate I have no destination in mind, I just try to log a few miles anywhere I can. The skatepark near me was closed during the lockdown but has since reopened. It is located off a bike path, so I’ve started skating it to get to the park. There has been no one at the park which has been sick!

Is there anything that would make you stop skating?
In my 20+ years of skating I’ve never stopped, it is part of my life and daily routine. Only a serious injury would make me stop skating.
Are you doing any cross training?
Just some exercises at home and the occasional burrito.
What other activities are you doing to occupy your time?
I collect vinyl records, am into fashion, chill with my girlfriend and have been taking bass guitar lessons.

How has COVID-19 affected your normal everyday life?
I’m unemployed at the moment, which has its ups and downs, but I can now focus on things that are more important. I really miss skating with my friends, going to live shows and interacting with people. My friends want to start filming street skating again, but that has been put off indefinitely. We all want our lives back!
What are your major concerns right now and looking into the future?
Not knowing when this is going to end or when things are going to get “back to normal” is a huge concern. Also, will COVID-19 be a problem again next year? There is too much to be concerned about, so I just listen to music loud AF… it helps! I believe the media is also a disease, you shouldn’t believe everything they tell you and live in fear! The best thing you can do right now is do your part and be safe.
How is your local skate community responding?
Although there isn’t a big skate scene where I live, everyone has been keeping to themselves and social distancing.
Do you have anything you’d like to add?

- Follow Doug Cupo on Instagram.
- Go to Inline Skating and Life During COVID-19 to read more interviews from skaters from around the world.
- Go to Essential Workers – Inline Skaters on the Front Lines of COVID-19 to read about inline skaters from around the world who are considered Essential Workers.
- For our full COVID-19 coverage go here.
- Contact Big Wheel Blading for and questions, suggestions or ideas.
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