During this years WYII event at Woodward several smaller events, activities and clinics took place around camp. In Part 2 of our WYII 2019 coverage I spoke with the event organizers, to find out more about what went down. We discuss all of the contests and jams (Shredpool’s Masquerade Jam, Light Up Visaid, Add a Trick, Top Dawg on the Hot Dog and the Oak City Jam) that tool place as well as an in depth discussion of Collin Martin’s Coil Theory Clinic, Sonic’s Slalom Lessons, the Blade Market Place with Long Tonthat, the early morning distance skates with Cameron Card and the Yoga classes with Savannah Weierstall and Chad Anthony.
Some people volunteered out of the kindness of their hearts, genuinely feeling obligated to make the event better. Savannah, Visaid, Colin Martin and Dem Hombres being some of the first to extend a hand. We reached out to others like Sonic from Skate IA because we saw the opportunity to crossover. What was so great about it, is that Sonic felt super welcomed and commended aggressive skaters for their abilities and confidence on skates. It was really rewarding and I feel like we will see more skaters from his side next year
Long Tonthat – Event Co-Organizer
Coil Theory with Collin Martin
What led to you hosting a Coil Thoery class at WYII this year?
Coil Theory was developed as a result of a disagreement during a game of S.K.A.T.E. back in March of 2019: “Dog, that was NOT a late 360”. The more I thought about the disagreement and talked about it, the more interesting it became to me. I started to talk about it with some people who I consider to be the best skaters in the world. It seemed to appeal to them as well so maybe I should keep going I thought. In May of 2019, I asked Cameron and Long if I could host something in a group setting at WYII.
Oh so, someone described it as a “clinic”. Clinic sounds corny but, I relent, the term is suitable.
What is Coil Theory?
There appears to be a little bit of magic happening when we do a late 180. Coil Theory pulls back the curtain on the wizard.
Coil Theory suggests that mechanically the human body functions within two counteracting halves.
With this notion, coil theory allows us to define what we refer to as “late rotation”. It also allows us to define associated movements such as “standard rotation”, and what I’ve been calling “early rotation”. What’s more, Coil Theory takes this a step further and generalizes these movements as being “body positions” between which we are able to transition through and oscillate between.
I suppose it sounds confused or boring or unimportant when written and this is one of the reasons why I’ve been preaching the coil theory gospel live instead of through written text or a video/audio recording. I believe it’s much more interesting when I discuss and engage in the ideas through real-time feedback and demonstration.
Although the Coil Theory clinic mostly pertained to rotation in the air around a stable “y-axis” (two-dimensional rotation?), Coil Theory can also be applied to more complex rotations and rotation while maintaining some sort of contact with the ground i.e wizard skating, slalom, cess slides etc. I am just beginning to understand these mechanics though so there are surely some problems with the ideas and there are infinite places to go. You know, someone suggested it might be called Coil Hypothesis but Coil Theory sounds better! lol
What was your idea behind the clinic and what message did you want to convey?
Coil Theory discussion always begins with answering this question.
Basically, I hope to inspire people to go out and skate more. It goes without saying that different people find inspiration in different sources. So with that said, the coil theory clinic intends to inspire some people to go skate by providing very tangible examples of where exploration is needed throughout the discussion. For me the most exciting inspiration is provided at the very end of the clinic by demonstrating a specific example of where coil theory can lead–a step beyond coil theory and into a next theory.
Another message I want to convey is that inline skaters are particularly qualified to exploit the mechanics of coil theory and we are uniquely qualified to exploit this next theory mentioned above.
Last, I want to convey the power and vast applicability of coil theory not only to what our bodies are capable of doing but how we can use coil theory to make bodies look and feel better. STYLE! lol
How many clinics did you teach? What was turnout for the clinics?
I held one clinic on Friday and one on Saturday. Honestly, I can’t remember how many people were there. I remember feeling like there were about 10-25 people really engaged for each clinic though. Perfectly sized groups.

How was your theory received:processed by the group?
We processed the ideas through back and forth dialog and physically dancing the movements together.
As an aside, I’ve heard a little bit of criticism from people online over my choice to limit media documentation of the discussion/clinic. In order to convey the intended message concisely by video, I need more preparation. I’m just not ready and I’m not sure I ever will be. As of right now, I feel like I can’t convey the message and ideas properly through a short video. Our attention spans are about 10 to 60 seconds online and I don’t want to fight that reality at this time. In fact, you’re probably not even reading this right now.
Do you think people walked away with a different perception after the lesson?
Yes. I do. Especially those who stayed through the very last topic.
Did you learn anything from the group?
Every time I talk about this, I learn quite a bit. I can’t remember specifics at WYII unfortunately but there are innumerable nuances to discover within the complexities of how the human body moves. It is really, really exciting. It’s overwhelming really. “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I do not know.”
Was this your first time sharing your coil theory with a group?
No. But it was the biggest group and the only pre-planned group. I was nervous! Oh! I want to tell you there was one group we had that was impromptu late night poolside in Palm Springs with Danny, Darst, Jon, Malcolm, Miguel, Estojen, and Leon. So #blessed. But I’ve been developing coil theory over the last seven months speaking with dozens and dozens of people mostly to get corrective and constructive feedback in preparation primarily for the WYII clinic.
What are some highlights for you from the two clinics?
To be honest, I can’t believe anyone was willing to set aside time at Woodward to sit and talk about Coil Theory with me for an hour. That’s so crazy to me. People chose to come when they could’ve been skating Woodward!? I cannot express how insanely thankful I am that anyone would trust me that much with such precious time of theirs. Wow.
Many of the other highlights came after the clinics during the resulting discussions. One of the most memorable discussions was with Kyle Solá and the connections he made between the coil theory discussion and design. That dude is cool. Sheesh.
Do you plan on doing this event again next year?
If I can go to WYII again, I would like to do something again! It was really fun and worthwhile. New topic though, I assume.
Follow Collin Martin on Instagram.
Jumpstreet Live Show with Austin Paz
Were you approached by Long and Cameron or did you approach them about doing the show this year?
I’m not sure how it went down. We did a live show last year and just kept it going this time around. We were humbled to hear that they wanted to do that again with us.
How did you go about picking Kyle Solá as the subject of the discussion?
Honestly, it was a collective between us (myself and Billy) and Jon Julio. He is obviously working to promote the 909 which Kyle was a big part of and we’ve been hoping to get him on since the beginning. When we first started the podcast, Sola was one of the first people Billy mentioned he wanted on.
This was a ticketed event. What was behind that? And what did it benefit?
We were originally going to make it free on a first come first serve basis like last year. From what I understand, Cameron Card and long Tonthat were hoping to get a kickback from Woodward for organizing the event for them and bringing all this business to camp in the off season but they got denied for reasons that are unknown to me. We felt like this was a good opportunity to help raise money to support them and have attendees show their appreciation. I asked Richie Velazquez how many seats we could get in there and luckily we were able to sell all 150 spots. Billy and I didn’t care about making a dime off of the event, we just wanted to help raise funds for the boys.
Who did you have a discussion with for Jumpstreet at last years event?
Last year we did a show which was very similar to this year’s. We had Cameron and Long talk about starting the event, then we had Richie Velasquez on. We felt it was very fitting. We also didn’t know what to expect since that was our first live show ever in front of an actual audience. We left the door open and about 50 people came in which left people standing since we weren’t prepared with seats like we were this time around. We were hyped to see the numbers grow.
What did you do different this year from last year?
This year was a bit more organized since we knew exactly how many people were attending due to ticket presales. As far as I know, everyone had a seat this time ha.
Where did the discussion take place? How were the facilities?
We had the show at the Media Center which is the old Morton building. Anyone who seen old footage of Woodward from the 90s knows the old Morton bowl and mini ramp that stood in that spot. The facilities there are great for us. It’s one of the few, if any, places where we’ve had no audio or mic issues (which seems to be a continuing problem for us haha). Richie Velazquez is in charge of the media center there so he knows the ins and outs about all the gear and is very professional about helping us set up and getting whatever we need. Richies being there to help is a huuuuge pull!
How many people showed up for the discussion?
This year we sold 150 Pre-sale tickets and sold a handful of tickets at the door for who we had extra space for, so probably around 160.
Did you bring all your gear from NYC or did they have gear you could use?
We bring everything we usually use. The main things we had to rely on Woodward for was the speaker system and they have lighting there so that was one less thing for us to bring.
Did you record the episode for YouTube? Did it stream live? Or was it an exclusive for WYII?
Like we do with all of our episodes, we stream it live then release it later when it’s edited. It’s super expensive to have a switcher and someone to operate it for multi cam live streams so that’s the main reason I have to go back and edit the episodes, other wise we would just probably leave it the way it is when we shoot it. It’s a lot of post production work from editing to making thumbnails, cutting up clips for YouTube and Instagram, uploading to YouTube, keywording, etc. so that’s why is takes a while to get them up sometimes.
What were the hightlights of doing the Jumpstreet production at WYII this year?
The highlight for me was being able to sell all 150 seats. I was thinking that if we sold 50 we would be ok. We’re grateful that people were willing to take time out of their short weekend to be with us for that.
Do you plan on being back next year with another discussion?
Next year we are 100% doing another show and its going to be a goody! I can’t say much about it but, we already have a plan on how to make it extra special next year so hopefully the stars align and it’ll be bigger than the 2020 election!
Visit jumpstreetpodcast.com to watch all their great interviews. And make sure to follow Jump Street Podcast on facebook, Instagram & YouTube.
Light Up Visaid with Brandon Ford

What exactly was the Visaid contest? And what is Visaid?
The contest was to see who could do the best trick within a 30 minutes time frame. Visaid is a core group of old beat up Boston rollerbladers, who still give a damn. The event was spontaneous, weird and true. It was for the people, not for us, but it was for us to give presents.
Who judged the contest?
Everyone in cabin 22b. The whole Visaid crew, Jesus, Billy, Hogan, Jim Lamarche, Brennan and Jarrod.
What was the winning trick? And what was the prize?
Luke Naylor won the best trick contest with a half cab back backslide to topsoul. He won $100 cash, a Skateraide T-shirt and a vintage American X-Games Gold Medal that we found on eBay. I want to give an honorable mention to Richie Velasquez who laced a switch ao fish and to Chino who just killed with lots of tricks.
Follow Visaid on Instagram and YouTube.
Shredpool’s Masquerade Jam
How did the the event emerge?
Last year we had a “Session With Shredpool” at lot 8. Cam called me up to see if I wanted to do another little event this year. I think he threw out the idea of doing costumes. I threw out the idea of wearing them.
What was the concept behind the jam?
I wanted it to be a Jam session. All about fun. People were more likely to relax and just enjoy shredding and being goofy if there wasn’t pressure to skate too hard.
What park was it in?
We had it at “The Cage”. Which I thought was appropriate…
What were you favorite costumes?
My favorite costume was the guy dressed up as Deadpool with a tutu. He seemed like a nice guy. And very handsome.
I saw a lady Shredpool skating around…
Oh yeah, “Shredpuddle” was there. People say we look alike… I don’t see it.
How many people participated?
I think we had around 15 or so weirdos running around. And there had to have been over 100 people watching. They were all dressed too. At least I think they were… I’ve been hearing something about a “Naked 360”? But that could’ve been a dream I had..Always and Forever
What were the highlights?
Yeah. The highlight was that I was not the only one standing there in a spandex suit and people actually came to watch. 1000% better than I anticipated
Follow Project Shredpool on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Blade Market with Long Tonthat
How did the idea of doing the blade market place develop?
I wanted to have a way that brands could make the trip out to camp. Travel costs are so high one of the best ways is to have a place for them to sell their goods! I always wanted to sell stuff while at Woodward but I felt like it always would get in the way of skating.
Did you have one last year?
Nope, this was the first year and it wasn’t the most organized as time and manpower was limited but big shout out to the homie Austin Loomis for helping out.
What was the concept of the blade market?
Come and buy stuff from the brands that legitimately care for inline skating. It featured the blade consignment where people dropped off their stuff earlier to be sold. Also Cam had a juice bar that was a hit!
How did the consignment go?
I’d say about 20 people brought stuff to consign, the big ticket items didn’t sell but tons of small Knick knacks got bought and I walked away with a few rarities myself
What vendors were there?
Oak City, Apex Blade Co, Them, 50/50, Compass Wheels, Razors, Ghetto Community, Rollerbalding, Skate IA, Ground Control, Reign, First and Lexington, King Souls, Dem Hombres, One Magazine, Red Eye Wheels and Solá Equipment.
How was the reception to the blade market?
I’ll admit that I was a little preoccupied but it seemed like spirits were high and people seemed to have walked out with some gear.
The blade market runs pretty late, between 10pm and midnight. Did this affect people showing up?
Oh yeah totally it did but when you break it down, it was the best bet, you’re more than likely super hyped to still be at Woodward and don’t want to go to bed. Also, who wants to take time away from skating to buy stuff, or just as important, who wants to sit at a booth all day? It was better to have it late to not conflict with skating and events and still give industry people a chance to have a good time. It’s something I racked my brain about and I’m striving to make it better
Were there any highlights about the blade market for you?
Meeting a bunch of people in person that I’ve corresponded with online. When they’d say I’m sure that I’ve gave out a ton of super tight hugs and I’m sorry to anyone who felt the love. Also, seeing people get rid of things their wives didn’t appreciate them buying, I heard “my wife’s going to be happy this is gone” many times! Haha.
Follow Long Tonthat on Instagram.
Early Morning Distance Skates with Cameron Card
This year you hosted a couple of early morning skates through the countryside. What time did they start and how far did you skate?
The morning skates this year happened around 7am give or take 15 min. We left Woodward campus at the main sign and headed out on a 7 mile loop. My 6 year old son joined us on this one! The second day was Sunday and we did close to 11 and we skated one way to the local coffee shop.
The morning skates were not listed on the WYII schedule of events. Why was that?
They weren’t part of the actual event. It’s more what I am personally interested in doing and I’m inviting others to join me. By word of mouth kinda deal.
How many people turned out?
On Saturday morning there were eight of us, including my son (@tadcard). On Sunday there were seven skaters, including Caleb and Bambi who came all the way on their own to enjoy IngleBean Coffee House and our company. (Dale Travers photo of them on Route 45 heading West.)
What were the highlights of the morning skates for you?
The highlights for me, was sharing what I have out here with the rolling hills of Central Pennsylvania. It’s such a beautiful landscape as you can see with some of Dale Travers’ recent photography (below). It’s also my favorite thing to do at the moment on skates and to share it with others who are motivating me to be the best me I can be is undoubtedly my favorite part of WYII.
Follow Cameron Card on Facebook and Instagram.
Yoga with Savannah Weierstall
How long have you been doing yoga?
I’ve been practicing yoga for the past six years.
Are you an instructor? If so for how long and what kind of yoga?
I took a 200 hour yoga teacher training course in 2018. I have been teaching yoga for a little over a year. I teach Hot Vinyasa, Slow Flow, and Yin. Also, I teach beginner level yoga classes in the community for a yoga non-profit called Motor Om.
How did the concept of teaching yoga at WYII happen?
I messaged Cameron on Instagram and asked if I could teach a yoga class at Woodward. I was so happy when he said yes!
Where did it take place?
The class took place at the Launch Pad.

How many people showed up and how long was the class?
31 people showed up for the class. The class was for an hour.
How was it received?
After teaching the class several people came up to me and thanked me and told me it was just what they needed. It made me so happy
I assume several people came for their first ever yoga experience. How did everyone do?
Everyone did amazing! I designed the class so it was mostly stretching and standing poses.
Will you do it again next year?
I would love to do it next year!
Follow Savannah Weierstall on Instagram.
Slalom Lessons with Arnav “Sonic” Shah
How did teaching Slalom lessons at WYII happen?
Cameron reached out to me directly alongside a few others he thought might be good slalom instructors, but they just pointed Cameron back in my direction :-). I was a bit surprised but definitely saw amazing potential right off the bat.
Who was teaching with you?
I was joined by Malik Lloyd, who’s a Level II SkateIA instructor and extensively experienced in teaching general skating skills. I didn’t know he was gonna be at Woodward until I got there, and to be honest, he didn’t know he’d make it until right before. While he’s still learning slalom himself, he’s well versed in helping others regardless of skating discipline so it was great to have him.
What is your background with teaching slalom?
In addition to being a Level II SkateIA instructor, I’m trained and certified to teach Slalom and Skate Park. Slalom is my favorite skating discipline to teach and it’s something I teach pretty often, at home and as part of other skating events (like Skater Migration in Miami and Skate Cuba), so I was excited to do it at Woodward.
How many classes did you teach? What was the turnout for them?
I taught two classes as scheduled. The turnout was much higher than my usual teaching sessions at other events so I was super happy. I had about 8 or 9 students in my first class and a dozen in the second one.
Was everyone new to slalom?
Yes, most of the participants were brand new to slalom but all were well grounded in their skating ability and, more importantly, came in with a super engaged attitude. Pretty much everyone had seen it before and really wanted to learn.
What were the basic moves you were teaching people?
I taught different things between the two classes as I like to gauge the feel and ability level of my students. The first class included the Hyde Park Combo and the Sun. The second class included Mabrouk (essentially a grapevine) and the Stroll. I tried to pick out moves that would be something very different than what they’re used to seeing and doing on skates, were still approachable for them, and could be mixed in with other styles of skating.
How was teaching all aggressive skaters compared to skaters you would typically teach?
I had a mix of aggressive skaters and what appeared to be some derby skaters. Regardless, it was a truly awesome group of skaters and I think it had a lot to do with the aggressive skater mentality of always learning something new and trying repeatedly to “get” it.
How did they do?
Well with that “I’m gonna get it” aggressive skater mentality, they did exceptionally well. Pretty much everyone picked up what was on my agenda so I kept adding variations and challenges.
What were the highlights for you from the classes?
It’s always awesome to see the moment of joy when someone gets something new that they couldn’t do before. Even cooler is that aggressive skaters are undeniably the most creative skaters around, so it was fun to see students start coming up with variations of moves on their own. I was blown away when one skater came up with something “new” and it happened to be some challenging slalom moves that were still beyond my own ability. Incredible!
Do you plan on being back next year again to teach?
I really hope so. WYII happens to fall smack dab in the middle of the busiest time of the skating season for me. This year it happened to fall literally right in between Northshore Inline Marathon, the NYC 100k, and Athens to Atlanta, and I ended up cutting short my training with the famed speed skater Eddy Matzer and missed Skate Boston entirely to attend WYII. So I’ll do my best to make it next year, even if just for a day due to conflicts.
Follow Sonic on Instagram.
Add a Trick with Cameron Card
What is the concept behind add a trick? how does it work?
The concept behind add-a-trick was to learn how to do sweet lines, while learning about being consistent and getting in shape. We wanted to do something where you could work together but still win the line. We talked a lot about what would be a cool trick to add and if we could both do it. The way the games works is the first person goes and starts the line with his “set” trick. Second person goes and does the first person’s “set” and then adds his own “set”. It continues to go on like this until someone falls. Each person get’s a rebate per line. Also if you don’t add a “set” trick you are still in the line. This continues until the last person is left. 1b. You mentioned you and jimmy came up with it. How long did it take you two to refine the rules? I’d say it took a good year+ to play it and play it with enough others to come up with what we have now. It’s still in the process of refinement! I think WYII is a perfect place to test little games like this.
About how many people entered?
There was around 25 who entered this year. Last year it was a bigger event because of timing.
How long did the event last?
The event lasted around two hours. But that’s something we’re working on getting it to run smoother. It’s only on it’s second year so I’m not worried.
Who won?
2018 Edward Chung 2019 Eric Michael
Was there a prize?
The prize was having a good time!
Will you continue this event next year?
Yeah definitely! I’ll continue til no one shows up!
Yoga with Chad Anthony
How long have you been practicing yoga?
I’ve been practicing my whole life. I’ve been actively teaching for less than a year.
Are you an instructor? If so for how Long and what kind of yoga?
Yes, I am certified. Mostly flow to breath type practices. But more often than not, I like to include meditation into the class.
How did the concept of teaching yoga at WYII happen?
Long ask me to be involved. We brainstormed on my strengths. It made since. Skaters need to know this stuff!
Where did it take place? About How many people showed up? How was it received?
The class was outside near the lake on campus. There was a total of 8 of us. It seemed well taken.
I assume several people came for their first ever yoga experience. How did everyone do?
We kept it very beginner friendly. No complaints to my knowledge. I kept my eyes closed 99% of the time. I believe everyone did very well.
How long did it last?
It was a one hour (un-timed) class. You can actually learn the class I taught at Wyii by ordering a copy of the newest issue of Skitch, it’s hand drawn and printed in the back of the book. The flow is designed for skaters specifically!
Will you do it again next year?
Absolutely! Well, if invited with full intentions. But the opportunity would be a blessing!
Check out Chad’s websites at sacredyogahealingarts.com and longliverollerblading.com.
Top Dawg on the Hot Dog with Andrew Papoutsis & Dem Hombres

What was the concept behind Top dawg on the Hot Dog?
It was a best trick contest on a level playing field obstacle with a cool name. Nobody skates that rail very much so we wanted to use it for an event.. Some people just played around and the feel was more of a casual session then a contest. We gave away free hot dogs too!
Who helped put the event together?
Josh Boyle, Bryan Lowery, Jon Robinson-Rivera and Winston Edwards all helped out!

Do you plan on holding the event next again?
Yeah. But maybe a different obstacle. Heard they may tear down the rock. We will be doing it again if it’s there most likely.
Who won and what was the best trick?
Guy Crawford TTP the winner got $50, a hat and pin. We also gave a hat and pin to Kevin Lebron for half can sweaty, so he was the runner up basically.
What is Dem Hombres?
We are a clothing/lifestyle brand.
Visit demhombres.com to check out their sweet gear. And make sure to follow Dem Hombres on facebook, Instagram & YouTube.
Oak City Jam with Long Tonthat
Did you host an Oak City Jam last year?
We did, it was a fraction of what we had this year but the energy was very similar.
What was the concept behind the event?
Last year we had some of the shop riders there and we just skated with anyone who showed up and had a good time. I gave out stuff just to say thanks or if I saw something rad. This year it kind of escalated because it’s pretty clear I was giving out stuff for skating that I appreciated and people starting going off. With Zach Leavell as MC it got heated, he’s one of the best at communicating to the crowd.
Was it a contest? or Just a session?
It started out as a session, then turned into a small contest, but I didn’t have a huge prize purse or official judging.
We called it after my friend Jordan Annunziata had a terrible fall . He ended up being ok, which was probably the most amazing thing to happen. When I was showing someone in line at the post office, a doctor behind me said that she was surprised that he was alive.
About how many people skated?
Shoot, 40-50?
Any highlights from the event?
Yeah, seeing a lot of familiar faces and meeting new ones. Working with Zach as MC. So many steezy tricks to recall.
Who won?
Kasey Schmitz ended up winning. It was a jam session and we awarded prizes for good tricks and then prizes for the top 3 at the end.

Do you plan on doing it again next year?
For sure and having it more organized as a contest, hoping to collaborate with someone like Josh Goldberg and Gold Comp 8. what park was it in? Target Plaza, shout out to them for contributing to Make something so rad.
Visit oakcityskate.com to check out their sweet gear. And make sure to follow Oak City Inline Skate Shop on facebook & Instagram.
New Event Developments for WYII 2020
For WYII 2020, Long and Cameron are working on making the weekend more streamlined and an overall better experience for the people attending. Long is spearheading an initiative to create an Inline Skate Convention, where people can obtain skate instructor certifications and attend various seminars, like “Coil Theory with Collin Martin” or “How to open a skate shop with Long Tonthat”. It would include a trade show where companies can showcase their latest developments. They would also like to provide a venue where inline skating influencers can come together and brainstorm ways to help the sport grow.
WYII 2019 Part 1: The Blader Experience
Don’t forget to check out WYII 2019 Part 1: The Blader Experience. It features questions and answers with 39 bladers who attended. Through these people’s highlights, accomplishments and experiences you will dive into what it was like being at Woodward for WYII.
WYII 2019 Part 3: YouTube Coverage coming soon….
Thanks to Cameron Card, Long Thonthat, Dale Travers, Butch Lehman, Mike Falcone, Stephanie Falcone, John Goez, Jared Maringer and everyone who helped make this article possible.
- For more information about WYII and to register for camp visit wyii.us.
- For more information about WYII events follow them on Instagram, Facebook and join the Facebook group.
- Check out the article Jacob Barnes wrote about last years “What Year is it?” event for Big Wheel Blading here.
- To check out the facilities at Camp Woodward go here.
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